All You Need To Know About Child Custody

If you and your partner have decided to get divorced, you need to have the right arrangements in place for your child or children. The welfare of your child should always be a top priority, however, it is not uncommon to experience disputes with your partner often due to fear of losing contact with your child. Understanding how custody works is a great way of moving the process forward so you can have the right discussions and come to a fair agreement.
Here’s all you need to know about child custody.
Child custody is a legal term referring to the legal and practical relationship between a parent / guardian and a child. Having custody of a child means you have the right to make decisions about their welfare and have a duty to provide practical care such as housing. In a typical divorce, physical custody may be awarded to one parent who will live with the child most of the time and both parents will share legal custody. You may also choose a joint residency agreement where the child spends an equal amount of time living with both parents.
If you have maintained an amicable relationship with your ex partner, you may be able to come to an agreement without court intervention. You will need to think about the following areas:
● Where the child will live
● How much time the child will spend with each parent
● How each parent will financially support the child
A common arrangement is for the child or children to stay with one parent during the week and see the other parent on the weekend or on particular days throughout the week.
What happens if you cannot agree on custody?
If yourself and your ex partner cannot come to an agreement, you may need to settle things in court. However, you must show the court that you have attended mediation sessions in an attempt to resolve the situation before applying for a court order.
At Smalleys Solicitors, we can provide legal support for your divorce in Nottingham. Our dedicated team is on hand to help you resolve disputes and ensure that your children are put first. Get in touch with us today for the expert advice that you need.